Importance of manpower planning

Well organized and revised manpower planning has been accepted by all the organizations. In the past, there was a general belief among managers of small organizations that they would get personnel whenever they needed. But now in the industrial environment, there is a need for regular manpower planning in every big organization so that the employees can meet the changes in technical knowledge, products, market and internal organization etc.skills are utilized.
Some important points of manpower planning are described below:
1.Manpower planning is essential because it estimates the requirement of personnel in the organization.
2.It enables the organization to face changes in competitive forces, market, technology, products etc. which lead to changes in functions, details, demand for skills, number and type of personnel occurs.
3. It is an important part of planning strategy.
4.It helps in selection and development of employees. This ensures that the appropriate number of personnel are selected so that vacancies can be filled in a timely manner. Due to this the organization also works smoothly.
5.It enables the organization to recruit personnel who have the required qualifications, skills, knowledge, work experience and attitude towards work.Have interest.
6.It provides appropriate possibilities to managerial growth plans by molding the change process through which managers emerge as better and creative industrial leaders.
7. Proper manpower planning helps in identifying and highlighting the areas where there is shortage of skilled employees and at the right time to prevent stagnation of production process or underutilization of plant capacity.Enables the management to take right steps.
8.It helps in identifying excess manpower if available in the management.
Limitations of manpower planning
Manpower planning has many benefits and uses yet it is not free from limitations. Manpower plans are often spoiled by inaccuracy because it is very difficult to make accurate long-term forecasts. Changes in economic situation, technology, marketingConditions such as conditions and personnel forces make long-term forecasts inaccurate. However, there is a risk in not forecasting at all.
It is possible to some extent to predict with sufficient accuracy based on experience future vacancies that relate to retirement, death, resignation, etc.
However, it is difficult to predict which employee should be replaced. There is risk in simple calculation of working class needs.Is.
In case of non-cooperation from the top management, there is frustration among the people involved in manpower planning. This again leads to inaccuracy when different forecasts are made without coordination.
Therefore, the limitations of manpower planning arise from the uncertainty of its forecasting itself as well as from the methods of manpower planning. Although on the basis of years of experience it has become possible to be accurate by manpower NEON but still itScience does not exist.