Following steps can be taken to make human resource planning effective:

(1) Proper organization of human resource functions: Human resource planning functions should be well organized. To provide adequate attention and to coordinate planning efforts at different levels, a separate cell, section, department or committee may be organized within the human resource department.
(2) from aboveSupport: Top management should support and commit to human resource planning. Before beginning any human resource planning process, top management must be consulted and its commitment must be secured. Also the exercise should be carried out within the budget allocation. Other restrictions should also be considered in detail. Actually making such plans is uselessWhich cannot be implemented without financial and other support from the management.
(3) Participation: For successful human resource planning, active participation of operating executives is required. If possible, the cooperation of the labor union should be obtained. Such participation will continue to improve understanding of the process and thereby reduce resistance.
(4) Information system: A system to facilitate human resource planningSystematic information system or database should be developed.
(5) Tailor Made: Human resource plans should be balanced with the corporate plans of the organization. The methods and techniques of human resource planning should be compatible with corporate objectives, strategies and environment.
(6) Balanced attention: Equal attention should be given to quantity and quality aspects. In filling future vacancies, focus should be on hiring the right person.Recruiting should be on the spot or otherwise matching current staff with current jobs. Promotion of current staff should be carefully considered.
Nature of Human Resources/Manpower Planning The nature of manpower planning is as follows:
(1) Related to needs: The aim of manpower planning is to determine the manpower needs of the organization both in number and type.
(2) from the shoulderRelated: It presents a stock of the present manpower of the organization. An analysis of the manpower pool helps in determining the status of available manpower and discovering the untapped talent currently available with the organization.
(3) Related to proper balance between demand and supply: It determines the shortage (or surplus) of manpower by comparing the total manpower requirements with the current supply of manpower.Helps in determining. It also helps in estimating future manpower requirements.
(4) Related to the programs of the organization: It is related to starting various organizational programs on the basis of demand and supply of human resources. If future needs exceed the currently available talent, then this gap becomes the basis for a program of employment and training and if currentlyWhen available talent exceeds future needs, this can become the basis for a program of separations, leaves, terminations, etc.
(5) Related to human resource development: Effective manpower planning should include acquisition, utilization, improvement and protection of human resources of the organization.