Every manager has to prepare a manpower plan for his department. Sometimes this plan is prepared at the entire enterprise level. The following steps are necessary in manpower planning-

1.To assess the manpower required at present.

2.To estimate the manpower required in future.

  1. Making a recruitment plan.
  2. Making training and development plans.
  3. Assessment of manpower required at present – ​​Manpower planningThe first step is to assess the manpower currently available and required. This process is like stock ascertaining. The number of employees available as per the current inventory is assessed with reference to the actual requirement at that time. This shows the need for expansion. Current performance is also assessed so that training and development can be planned. Management recruits talented employeesThe process should also be completed on time, otherwise you will not be able to get them suddenly.
  4. Estimating the future manpower required – The next step is to estimate the future manpower requirement. Prediction can be made on both quantitative and qualitative scales. Basically, future predictions are made on the basis of vacancies due to retirement, death, resignation, transfer and promotion.

Therefore human powerThe need is estimated on two grounds-

  1. Increase in the number of posts due to growth and expansion.
  2. Vacant posts due to retirement. Prediction is made on the basis of past experience, decision, work study and productivity. Some of its methods are as follows-

(a) Managerial decision – Under this, experienced managers consider the need of future work load for their various departments and the capacity of the employees.After assessing, they decide how much more manpower will be required. Such requirements of different departments are jointly examined and approved by the top management. This is a simple and time saving method. But it depends on individuals and hence is suitable only in small firms. The estimates thus revealed can be made more realistic with the help of work study, maintenance and operations and staff experts.Could. This method is helpful in justifying the effectiveness of manpower estimation based on informal group instructions.

(b) Work study method – In this method, the work being done is studied on the basis of time and speed. Through such studies it can be decided how much time is taken to complete a particular task. Work study method is suitable for manual work and routine work.When it is possible to measure the work against standards. Work methods should not be changed frequently.

(c) Ratio Trend Analysis – In this method the ratios (e.g. total production/sales number of employees, direct employees/indirect employees) are studied on the basis of past experiences. Future ratios are calculated by time series analysis. Before this, required in organization, method and workThe cost of conversion is also estimated. Projection is a mathematical expansion of past data that gives a clear picture of the future. Moving averages and infinite dynamics can also be used for projection. In this way, the demand for human resources is estimated on the basis of established ratio.

  1. Making recruitment plan – Once the need for manpower becomes clear, then a plan can be made to fulfill it. IfWorkers are surplus to requirements and can be transferred to other departments or their numbers can be reduced. Proper planning should be made for the recruitment and development of employees. All factors affecting manpower objectives must be considered. In short, the remaining requirement should be determined by comparing the currently available manpower and the future requirement. This comparison number andIt happens at both qualitative levels. Only then can a recruitment plan be made.
  2. Preparing training and development plan – This is the second step in making recruitment plan. Immediately after recruitment, a plan for training and development of manpower is prepared. Manpower works well only when it is well trained. He must have adequate knowledge and skills. Only then will she be able to produce well. in a way theirTransformation is necessary and this work is possible only through training and development programs. This program is necessary not only for the existing manpower but also for the newly recruited employees. Only through this we can get the characteristics of the organization.

In short, manpower planning not only includes his future needs but also plans for his training and development so that he can become more productive and useful.Can be made. The process mentioned above can be modified, enhanced and revised as per the need of the organization.

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