There are different levels of manpower planning in an industrial organization but each has its own objectives and techniques. This should be done broadly at corporate, departmental and plant levels. The purpose of manpower planning at various levels is the systematic projection of manpower requirements for the future. It focuses on manpower needs and training needs, technology, markets andThis is done to determine the effects of anticipated changes in products.

(a) Manpower planning at lower level: It is better to start at the lowest organizational level for manpower planning and then move upwards. There is no doubt that a corporate plan is developed by a team of top executives with the assistance of corporate staff planners. However, if the lower ranks of the organizationWhen starting the planning process the organization will reap the benefits of having people who are more familiar with day-to-day problems and will be more interested in carrying out the plans than if they had a hand in formulating them.

(b) Manpower planning at plant level: Manpower planning at plant level (or other decentralized units like warehouse, sales office, branch etc.) is managed by an operating committee.Can be conducted on the basis of past data and future projections. The Committee will prepare a manpower plan for the next year, including the number of employees desired and the sources that can be used to meet these needs. It will also determine the number of promotion eligible employees for the annual manpower plan. Finally the committee with the help of manpower planning experts in the nextIt will evaluate these plans in the light of all possible changes within five years.

(c) Manpower planning at the highest level: A committee of top executives at the highest level will review all the plans presented by the departmental committees and develop similar plans for the headquarters staff. It will forecast various types of manpower requirements during the next five years. ThisAdequate emphasis will be laid on manpower planning at the executive level as it takes a lot of time before an individual can develop into a better executive. The committee will have all the recording data related to employee turnover during previous years, employees going to retire in future etc. Employee turnover and absenteeism due to deaths, retirements, resignations, dismissals, etc.The relevant old records can be a good guide for manpower planning. After manpower planning is done at the higher level it will be integrated with other organizational plans.

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