Human resource planning is considered essential for all organizations for one or the other of the following reasons-

- To carry on its work, every organization needs personnel with necessary qualifications, skills, knowledge, work experience and aptitude for work. These are available through effective manpower planning.
- Because on promotion or retirement, death or physicalMany people have to be replaced when they become incompetent due to mental illness, hence there is a constant need to replace such working class. Otherwise the work will lag behind.
3.Human resource planning is often necessary due to labor turnover which cannot be avoided and which is beneficial because it arises from factors which are socially and economically appropriate such as voluntary retirement, dismissal, marriage,Factors such as seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in promotions or business that cause constant decline and trend in many organizations.
- Human resource planning cannot be avoided to meet the needs of extension programmes.
5.The nature of the present work force in the context of its changing needs also necessitates the recruitment of new workers. The challenge of a new and changing technology and new techniques of productionTo cope, current employees have to be trained or new blood has to be infused into an organization.
- Manpower planning is also necessary to identify areas with more working class or areas where there is a shortage of working class.
Limitations of Human Resource Planning or Barriers to Human Resource Planning Although resource planning has many benefits and uses,
it also has some shortcomings. It is like this:-
- This human being is away from realityMakes future predictions regarding demand and supply of resources. And predictions never come true 100 percent of the time. The longer the planning time, the less likely it is to be realistic. This increases further when future statements are made on speculative basis without proper review.
- Time consuming and expensive – Manpower planning is also a time consuming and expensive process. necessary data,Time and money are spent in collecting facts etc.
- Uncertainty- Absence of workers, leaving work, seasonal employment, technological changes and market fluctuations remain uncertain. These become obstacles in human resource planning. It is risky to make general estimates about human power in the context of rapid changes in the environment.
- Employee resistance – among employees and trade unionsAlways opposes human resource planning. They believe that this will increase their workload. Due to unemployment, people find work wherever and whenever necessary. They do not understand human resource planning properly and oppose it.
- Lack of support from top management – There is difficulty in developing human resource planning if adequate support is not received from top level management. sometimes patienceDeficiency also slows down the process. Sometimes, in the race of competition, policies are implemented forcefully.
It is possible that more accurate predictions can be made from experience. But it is very difficult to tell the exact number of employees required. Therefore, manpower management cannot be considered a science.