Need for human resource planning

Human resource planning is a personal need of every organization today due to one or the other reasons which are as follows:
- To run the work smoothly, every organization needs personnel who have the necessary qualifications, skills, knowledge, work experience and interest towards work. This is accomplished through proper manpower planning.
2.Since a large number of people change as they grow older or retireIn case of death or physical disability, there is a constant need to replace such personnel otherwise the work gets disrupted.
3.Human resource planning is essential because rising wage costs can be avoided and it is beneficial because it avoids disruptions in work caused by certain social and economic factors such as voluntary retirement, marriage, resignation, promotion and other business change factors.Does.
- Towards the expansion program of the organization which has become necessary because the demand for goods and services is increasing, due to population growth, better lifestyle of the people due to which the demand for goods and services has increased, the firm becomes more competitive in its business. Increases. Through this, the progress rate of the organization is maintained in difficult times.
5.The nature of the present work force needs to be changed according to the changing circumstances.Recruitment has to be done.
To meet the challenges of new and changing technologies, new enthusiasm has to be infused into the organization by training the existing employees for new techniques of production.
- Manpower planning is also important so that areas with high number of personnel are found and areas with shortage are also selected. Where the number is more, it should be reduced and in case of shortage, it can be compensated.
humanObjectives of resource planning Some of the major objectives of manpower planning are as follows:
- It should be made necessary to make greater use of existing human resources.
- Irregularities related to transfer and distribution of manpower should be avoided.
- Future skill requirements should be anticipated to fulfill the overall objectives of the organization.
- To establish better control to fulfill the need of essential resources.
5.humanTo control the cost of resources.
6.Implementing transfer and incentive policies.