The implementation and development of manpower planning requires the following prerequisites:

(1) Goals or objectives of business: Every business organization has some goals or objectives. Manpower planning should be integrated with business policies regarding profitability, production, sales and development of resources. Any change in business objectivesWill definitely affect manpower planning. For example, a company decides to implement a computer system in its organization. This change will affect manpower planning i.e. the company will have to recruit computer operators or it will have to train its current employees in computer science. Therefore, clearly determining the business objectives in advance is essential for effective manpower planning.There is a prior need.

(2) Support of higher level management: Manpower planning should receive initiative and support from higher level management. A senior manager of a stock authority can only advise or direct the top management, he cannot implement decisions. Action on suggestions or decisions of senior managers can be taken only on the initiative of higher executives. Therefore, support from top management is effective.It is necessary for manpower planning.

(3) Well-organized working class department: Manpower planning needs to anticipate the needs and developments of the working class. For this purpose a well organized civil department is required. The service department collects, records, analyses, decides and maintains facts and figures related to all service categories in the organization.

(4) relatedDetermination of personnel policies: Determination of personnel policies related to promotion, transfer, wages, fringe benefits, training, leave etc. is a prerequisite for manpower planning. Without these policies there will be no use of manpower planning.

(5) Responsibility: The responsibility of manpower planning should be given to a responsible senior employee. All data related to planning is available to himShould be done.

(6) Deciding the planning period: Planning is related to future problems. Planning period is divided into short term and long term. The planning period depends on the nature of the business and the social, economic and political environment. Long term planning is given priority for basic and heavy industries. Consumer goods industries do not resort to long-term planning. other significantThe factors are rate of population growth, education and training facilities, cost of training etc.

(7) Manpower Standards: To avoid the problems of overstaffing and understaffing, ideal manpower standards should be determined on the basis of standards existing in similar organizations, past experiences and work measurement. These factors will reduce the cost of production and increase the quality of production and help in manpower planning.Will help in construction.

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