Process / Steps / Stages of Human Resource Planning

Following are the important steps of human resource planning:
- Study of current manpower/to find out the status of working human resources: The first step towards human resource planning is to calculate and study the working manpower in the organization. It shows that the work force in different departments is inadequate, greater or equal. Calculation of current human resource needs
(a) age
(b)efficiency and
(c) Is based on current work.
- Knowledge of future human resource requirement / Forecasting of future human resource requirement: The need of future personnel, their number and type are known. These needs are decided on the following basis:
a.By estimating the output quantity.
b.Estimating the type of production
c.By anticipated changes in production technology.
human resourcePlanning is part of general planning, so future manpower needs are based on the management’s plan.
- Exit of employees in future: For effective resource planning, it is necessary that the retired manager should keep in mind the reasons like lack of work force in future, retirement, death, resignation, resignation etc.
- Estimated change in workforce ratio: Due to promotions and transfers in existing staff.There is a change in the organizational structure. To keep pace with social changes in the future, working class managers are required.
- Future availability of people: The service manager is required to estimate the future availability of personnel by studying population growth, migration and educational facilities. This is also decided on the basis of past experience. We meet the needs of employees in managerial, technicalThey are kept in unskilled classes. According to adequate shortage or availability, personnel are identified in different work areas and then human resource planning is done on this basis.
- Future Manpower Utilization: The senior manager decides how the work force is to be utilized effectively. He has to study these points: a.Indirect or indirect labor costs. b.Managerial and supervisory costs, c.Payment of overtime allowance. d.Cost of maintenance and repair. e.Payment of wages as per or by time. f.Availability of personnel during peak and recession
- Employment Plans: This stage is related to the planning of the organization in which the right people and the right number are obtained through forecasting. In other words, there is a need for some programs like recruitment, training, transfer and promotion to provide variousThe working needs of the departments can be met.
- Training and Development Programme: Through skill development, the development needs of the organization are known. Training is important not only for new employees but also for old employees. Executive development programs are designed to develop senior managers. A department has the freedom to choose the method or technique for training. Where to give trainingNot its. Such work requires proper training, for better performance, even those who have some work experience are given training before new appointment to increase their efficiency and knowledge. To convert the talent of the employees into full productivity, development and There should be a systematic program of training.
- Execution of manpower planning: Employment and training programme.After implementation, execution work is done to know the effectiveness of manpower planning. The program should always be staffed with understanding and humane resources. Correct decisions should be taken to bridge any shortfall in manpower planning. The performance of present manpower also guides future manpower planning.