1. Managerial functions: Managerial functions mainly include the functions of planning, organization, direction and control.

(i) Planning: This work involves forecasting the work to be done in the future to achieve the objectives. Proper planning today keeps tomorrow’s problems away. To perform this function, the personnel manager is expected to recruit, select and train employees in the organization.Will prepare a program in relation to.
(ii) Organizing: This activity is primarily concerned with proper grouping of employee activities, giving different tasks to different individuals of different groups and giving them authority to do the work. The primary duty of the personnel manager is to prepare a proper structure for institutional work. In fact, organization work is a main basis of the entire management fabric.Which can never be neglected or ignored by any personnel manager.
(iii) Directing: This includes supervision and direction of the employees of the institute. Guidance is very important to implement the plan. Goals cannot be achieved without direction. Many times the success of an organization depends on proper direction and not on its design. guidance mostlyRelated to leadership and motivation. It is necessary for a personnel manager to have good motivator and leadership qualities. At the same time, he should be a good guide who can properly direct the personnel in particular situations. Can lead. In short, it means the employees engaged in work. Must be able to motivate to work effectively.
(iv) To control: To control the personnel manager.As part of the work of managing, assessing the efficiency of employees and Achieving the objectives of the organization comes by correcting the wrong direction. For control, it is necessary to find out where the employee is getting confused and bring him in the right direction as per the expected standards. Through control, employees also get information about their work. This controls the efficiency of work reports.This is done through review, examination of records and employee audit etc. Proper control is very important to ensure that the activities of the institute proceed as planned.
2. Operational functions: Operational functions of the personnel manager are related to the specific activities of personnel management such as recruiting employees, developing them, paying salaries and maintaining good industrial relations. This work of operationShould be done along with managerial functions.
(a) Employment: The first operation related work of the personnel manager is to recruit and appoint employees for the organization. It is concerned with obtaining the services of such people who have work related skills, knowledge and abilities etc. so that the prescribed objectives of the institution can be achieved. Under this work, work analysis of manpower planning, recruitment and selection works is done.Assignments and internal activities follow.
(i) Analysis of work: Through this process, information is collected regarding the work to be done and the specific responsibilities to be fulfilled.
(ii) Human resource planning: Under this process, the number of employees required by the organization to complete its tasks at a time is accurately estimated and this work is also done in the following manner.It is believed that every person working can get satisfaction.
(iii) Recruitment: It is the process of searching for potential employees and motivating them to apply for positions or jobs in the organization.
(iv) Selection: This is the process of selecting the applicants for work as per their qualifications by examining their qualifications, experience, efficiency and knowledge etc.
(v) Workload: This is for the selected candidates.It is the process of putting people to work most suitable for them. This is the work of matching the employee’s qualifications and the work required for the position.
(vi) Induction and Induction: Induction and induction are those techniques by which a new employee is re-established in the new work environment and he is introduced to the functioning of the organization, policy, objectives and other employees.
(b) Human Resource Development: This employeeIt is the process of adapting it to the functions of the institution, changing its efficiency, improving it, enhancing knowledge, enhancing creative abilities and improving its ethics and moral values, which are responsible for the work to be done in the present and future and the functioning of the institution. Based on requirements. This work includes the following activities
(i) Identification of work efficiency: This is a definite process of evaluating the work of each employee separately in which information about his work efficiency and potential for further development is obtained.
(ii) Training: It is a systematic process in which employees learn skills, knowledge, abilities and behavior to achieve organizational and personal objectives.
(iii) Management Development: Under this process suchCreating and conducting programs etc. so that management skills and human relations abilities can be developed among the employees.
(iv) Career planning and development: Under this, work is done to educate, train, mark work and provide work experience to every person for career planning and to make this plan effective. It also includes internal and external dynamics.
(v) Institutional development:Institutional development is a thoughtfully designed plan for an institution, starting from the top management level of the institution, to further enhance the efficiency of the institution.
For this purpose, the Institutional Development Department keeps a close watch on the human resource aspect of the institute. In order to continuously further improve the work efficiency and production of the institute, this department will bring about changes in the thinking and values of management, staff, structure as per requirement.Recommends.
(c) Compensation: It is the process of giving fair and equal salary to the employee. This includes job evaluation, salary and wages, control bonus, other fringe facilities and providing social security etc.
(i) Post job evaluation: This is the method of evaluating the post and its related work.
(ii) Salary and wage administration: Providing other financial benefits to employees in addition to salaries and wages.There is a process of continuously reviewing the schemes.
(iii) Bonus: Mandatory bonus under the Bonus Act 1965 is paid through this process.
(iv) Fringe benefits: Apart from compensating the employees appropriately and adequately for their special contribution in the work of the organization, these days there is a trend of giving special payments and facilities by the organization which is called fringe benefits.goes.
(v) Social security measures: Apart from other benefits, the institute management also provides social security to its employees. It has the following facilities:
(1) Payment of compensation to employees (or their dependents) who meet with accidents;
(2) Maternity benefits to women employees;
(3) Illness and medical benefits;
(4) Disability benefits/allowances;
(5) dependent benefits;
(6) RetirementBenefits like provident fund, retirement salary and retirement gratuity etc.
(d) Human relations: It is the process of interrelationships among mankind. Human relations is that area under which, through management, human resources can work with full productivity in an economical manner, with mutual cooperation and harmony, while remaining fully satisfied mentally and socially.