Characteristics of Human Resource Management It has the following symptoms-

(a) Ubiquitous Power – HRM is omnipresent in nature. It is present in all institutions. It penetrates all levels of management in an organization.
(b) Activity Oriented – HRM focuses on activity rather than record keeping, written procedures or rules. Employees’ problems at work are solved through logical policies.
(c) personalOriented – It tries to help the employees in fully developing their abilities. It encourages them to give their best to the organization. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection, training and development along with fair wage policies.
(d) People oriented – HRM is completely about the people at work both as individuals andIs in the form of groups. It tries to employ individuals on given jobs so that good results can be achieved. The profits received are used to reward individuals and motivate them to further improve productivity.
(y) Development oriented – HRM wants to develop the full potential of the employees. The reward structure is tailored according to the needs of the employees. their skillsTraining is given to sharpen and develop it. Employees are assigned to various jobs to gain experience and exposure. Every effort is made to utilize their abilities to the fullest in the service of organizational goals.
(r) Global Orientation-HRM is an activity which is being adopted by people management practices all over the world (especially since 90’s). Organizations treat individuals with respectAnd have understood the importance of behaving appropriately through sensitivity. Therefore, HRM practices in Japan should be observed by Indian practitioners to find out if there are any principles that can be successfully implemented in India.
(i) Future Oriented Effective HRM helps the organization to achieve its long-term goals by providing competent, properly motivated employees.Is.
(ii) Integrated Mechanism – HRM tries to create and maintain friendly relations between people working at different levels in the organization. In short it tries to integrate human assets in the service of an organization in the best possible way.
(a) Support Services – HR departments provide assistance and advice to line or functional managers to allow them to perform their professional tasks more effectively.exist for. HR manager is an expert consultant. This is a staff task.
(b) Interdisciplinary work – HRM is a multi-disciplinary activity which uses knowledge and inputs from psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics etc.
(c) Continuous work: According to Terry, HRM is not a short-term job. Don’t practice it just one hour every day or just one day every weekCan go. It requires constant attention and awareness of human RA relationships and their importance in every day activities.