planning At present, two methods are used by businessmen for planning and forecasting human resources. One method is related to short-term planning and the other is related to long-term planning. Difference between short term planning and long term planning is made on the basis of their objectives. The objective of short-term planning is to meet the immediately arising needs.To do. For this reason, short-term work is also called temporary work. In this planning, special attention is not given to the objectives of the enterprise, new market, competition etc. Its only objective is to immediately fill the vacancies caused by employees leaving the job, death or retirement etc. Long term human resource planning: Estimating the future needs of the organization structure based on internal and external circumstances.Does it in context. Its objective is to estimate the future needs of the organization in the context of internal and external circumstances. Its objective is to remove uncertainties about the future needs of the organization. Complex statistical and mathematical techniques are used for long-term forecasting. In the present times, operations research and computer technology have started being used in large quantities.

(A) Short-term human resources planning
1.There are two objectives of short-term human resource planning- Aligning existing employees with their current positions.
- To fill the existing vacancies in the best possible manner with the existing human resources.
(1) According to the present employees in their present posts To do: This problem arises when the qualification of the present employees is either less or more than the required qualification. both of theseHow short-term human resource planning is done in different stages is being mentioned below-
(i) In case the qualifications of the employees are less than the required qualifications of the present posts – In these situations, any one of the following tasks can be done to make the employees suitable for their posts.
(a) Change in work: It means interference in the organization structure of the enterprise. There are three forms of this interventioncan-
(i) taking over certain functions from the employee and including them in the functions of some other post;
(ii) Changing the degree of decentralization so that incompetent employees have to take relatively less decisions and
(iii) To arrange for an assistant for an incompetent employee so that both of them can complete the work smoothly. Planning by change in work should be done only when the change affects other tasks.But it should not have much impact.
(b) Change in employee: One option to make the employee’s capability suitable for the work is to remove the employee from the work so that he can be made suitable for the work through necessary counseling and training. For example, if the decline in sales by a salesman is not the fault of his personality but is the result of lack of production knowledge, then the activity, consultation andCan be increased by training.
(c) Change in both work and employees: Sometimes changes can be made in both work and employees, if this can fulfill the need of short-term human resource planning. Under this system, on one hand the work of the employee can be reduced and on the other hand, arrangements can be made for training the employee by separating him from work.
(d) To dismiss the employee: IfIf the employee cannot be made suitable for the work through counseling and training within a reasonable time or if change in his work is not possible, then it becomes necessary to transfer or dismiss that employee. But steps related to transfer or dismissal of an employee should be taken only after much consideration because such steps can have serious consequences. Also, taking a decision to dismiss an employeeIt is also important to pay attention to the following things at the time-
1.How much service period is left for the employee? If the service period of an employee is very short, then as far as possible, efforts should be made to keep him on the job instead of dismissing him. He should be given the opportunity to complete the work as much as possible by giving him various types of motivations and should wait till he is relieved from service. It is only on such occasions that the arrangement of an assistant is often necessary.gets done so that the work gets done Could.
2.Is a high level of performance absolutely necessary? If there is no immediate need to perform high level work, then the employee should not be dismissed and should be given the opportunity to increase his qualifications, but where there is an immediate and absolute need to perform high level work, there is a possibility of huge loss by retaining an unqualified employee. Might be possible. In this situation he can either be transferredOr in case of his being completely incompetent, it would be better to remove him.
3.Effect on morale of other employees. It is also worth considering how the dismissal of an employee affects the morale of the employees. Generally, dismissal of a well-known or popular employee reduces employee morale. The absence of a colleague creates fear and Communicates a feeling of insecurity. Attrition can also have a favorable effect on employee morale. When an employee who is totally incompetent is dismissed and his continuation raises the apprehension in the minds of all the employees that his continuation on the job is the result of favoritism by the management, then in order to increase the morale of the employees, such incompetent dismissal of employee Needed .
d.Will replacement be easily available? Sometimes it is not possible to dismiss an employee even when it is not possible to arrange for a fully qualified replacement for the related work. Many times incompetent persons remain in their positions because the enterprise does not find a replacement immediately. In this situation only the ‘get the job done’ policy can be followed.
(e) Assistant to the employeeMaking arrangements: If it is not possible to make the present employee suitable for his work, nor is it possible to transfer or dismiss him, then arrangements can be made for an assistant to work with such an employee. It is important to keep in mind here that incompetence of an employee may not only be the result of lack in his work performance but can also be the result of lack in his behavioral efficiency. many officers who were very efficient in their workThey become unpopular due to their bad behaviour. In this situation, skilled helpers prove to be of great importance.
(ii) In case the qualification of the employees is more than the required qualification of the present posts: There may be some employees of the undertaking whose qualification is more than the qualification required for the work. To take advantage of the qualification of such employees, the undertaking The following steps can be taken-
a.If any work which is somehow related to the work of a qualified employee is not being performed properly by an employee, then the qualified employee can give advice to the ineligible employee or the work of investigating the work of the ineligible employee can be assigned to the qualified employee.
b.When any special problem arises, advice of a qualified employee can be taken to solve it.
c.special work which the qualified person can doAre given to be done repeatedly, parts of its work can be made.
d. If there is no proper arrangement for any work, that work can be assigned to the qualified person.
It is seen that competent employees, under their influence, acquire authority far beyond their workplace. But in such a situation, the original work of a capable person often remains neglected. Apart from this, responsibility for the work of the undertaking is imposed on any person.Excessive dependence may also be detrimental to the enterprise later on. When such a qualified employee leaves the job due to any reason, it becomes difficult to fill the vacancy.