Importance of manpower planning
Importance of manpower planning Well organized and revised manpower planning has been accepted by all the organizations. In the past, there was a general belief among managers of small organizations…
Need for human resource planning
Need for human resource planning Human resource planning is a personal need of every organization today due to one or the other reasons which are as follows: 2.Since a large…
Human resource planning
Human resource planning Human element is an integral factor of production. Every organization should have qualified and appropriate number of employees. More or less manpower, both the situations are harmful…
Scope of Human Resource Management
Extension of Human Resource Management There are many activities covered under this which can be understood by the following diagram: The tasks related to human resources include organizing human resources…
Function Of Human resource Management
1. Managerial functions: Managerial functions mainly include the functions of planning, organization, direction and control. (i) Planning: This work involves forecasting the work to be done in the future to…
Characteristics of Human Resource
Characteristics of Human Resource Management It has the following symptoms- (a) Ubiquitous Power – HRM is omnipresent in nature. It is present in all institutions. It penetrates all levels of…
Objectives of Human Resource Management
Objectives of Human Resource Management 1. To form a qualified and efficient work force and use it to fulfill the desired objectives of an organization. 2. To establish a strong…
Meaning and defination of human resources management
meaning and definition Business is the effective combination of physical and human resources of an organization to achieve desired goals. Physical matter is lifeless and cannot perform any action on…
Human resource Management
When man started working for others voluntarily to earn his livelihood, the problem of using manpower started from that time itself. The need for human resource management was felt in…
भर्ती के तरीके
भर्ती के तरीके भर्ती के स्रोतों से भिन्न हैं। स्रोत वे स्थान हैं जहाँ भावी कर्मचारी उपलब्ध होते हैं। दूसरी ओर तरीके वे रास्ते हैं जो भावी कर्मचारियों से संपर्क…